James Kelly Fitness Coach

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2014 A Review

This time of year comes round so fast, but this a great time as I look back at the people/animals I've photographed this year and think to myself, WOW... I can't believe the amount of hard drives I have filled and the CRAZY amount of mileage I have added to my car, but 2014 has truly been the greatest year, for my photography and for my personal life. I've have been unbelievably lucky to work with some amazing couples, horse and families, and have loved every minute of photographing in the best of locations and venues over the UK & the Faroe Islands. Posh hotels, community halls, busses & boats on the Thames, fields, beaches & mountains, 2014 has definitely been the year for variety.

This year I was also very proud to have proposed to my beautiful Girlfriend (She said Yes) in the Faroe islands in front of 400+ people but not only that. I had the most exciting news that I am going to be a Daddy in May :-D Could it get any better??

2015 is actually my 10th year as a working photographer. Yep, I've been earning a wage from this snap-happy profession since I was 21.

Below is a selection of my favourite shots from this year. I'd love to share from every shoot I've done, but I seriously think I'd hold the internet up for a few days loading all the photographs.

So, all that's left for me to say is Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope everyone has a great time of the festive period, and I cannot wait to share my work from 2015.

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Getting on one knee....

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