James Kelly Fitness Coach

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Day 1 24/6/14

Answer to the Faroe Island. Well it has begun. 6am wake up, 3.5 hours sleep after a 22 hour day but we are leaving. First stop, Aberdeen airport for out flight to Copenhagen and to pick up whisky.

We managed to check in my two bags with a total of 47.8kg and no extra charge. Pick up a 1ltr of Jura prophesy after spending an hour deciding.

Flight to Copenhagen was in a cramped small plane, no room for my camera bag, so it got a seat to itself, very grateful to the staff. Copenhagen is a spectacular airport, has everything and the cakea are AMAZING.Photo 24-06-2014 14 54 06

Someone switched the plug to my laptop at home and the battery is dead. Guess no work for me.

Getting ready to board our plane and I seeing the Atlantic Airways flag brings a smile to my face. I am on my way to my second home!

The flight was great, the food was amazing (by inflight meal standards). And I got chatting to a Faroese man who thought I was American.... He was asking my thought on Scottish independence.

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After 2 hours & 20 minutes, we have touched down on their very small landing strip. We are welcome by their new terminal which is  impressive. Picked up our luggage and boarding the bus to the capital, this involves driving through a tunnel that is 6,186 Meters long and under the sea.

We finally arrive, we had arranged to surprise Iris friend Beinta, sadly she found out through the world of Facebook. Time for a quick beer, nip of whisky and a good chat. It's now 00:30 and still very light outside, it's amazing with a few hundred miles from home can do to the light.

Time for bed, got a feeling it won't take much time to sleep.

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