James Kelly Fitness Coach

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Derek & Paula Corsar

I knew this wedding was going to be great and I was right! From the second I walked through Paula's door in the morning, till I left at 23:30, today was a laugh.  Derek and Paula are a beautiful couple and very much in love.  From day one, they wanted a relaxed and fun wedding, with a good party at night and that is just what they got! 1_ABC_6395 1_ABC_6488 1_ABC_6513 3_ABC_6617 4_ABC_6742 4_ABC_6750 5_ABC_6849 8_ABC_7480 8_ABC_7540 10_ABC_7632 11_ABC_7234 11_ABC_7236 11_ABC_7241 ABC_7011 ABC_7013 ABC_7038 ABC_7053 ABC_7065

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