Lydia & Ran - Trash the Dress
Today I had the pleasure of doing something I have wanted to do for a very long time: Trash the Dress Shoot! From the first time I met Lydia back in February 2012, she wanted her horse Ran to be part of her wedding in some way or another. After a long chat, we decided that after Ian & Lydia's wedding, we would partake in a trash the dress day with Ran on Lossiemouth beach.
So Saturday the 2nd arrived , after 2.5 hours sleep and a drive to Lossiemouth we met at 9am in -1C temperature and Lydia was in her dress ready to get going. The tide was in as planed, the sky was overcast and with the perfect light, we began. I have to applaud Lydia, she braved the freezing cold weather and did not complain once (well, not to my face). After 45 minutes we were done and I was delighted with the results.
We ventured to Starbucks for a Toffee nut Latte (Christmas cups have arrived) and uploaded the images for a quick viewing. I don't think the smile moved from her face whole time she was viewing the images and that made the lack of sleep + the long drive ahead to Stirling,worth it!
Thanks to Ian for his patients and help with Lydia, Thank you to my better half, Iris for assisting and making sure the dress looked perfect (And keeping me awake during the drive)
If you are involved with horses and looking to have a shoot, please contact me on the below to arrange a shoot. I offer deals if you arrange 5 or more horse or recommending my services. For more information, please contact me below:
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